Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cult culture

For this post I have chosen not to focus solely on one cult but to look at the cult culture as a whole. The ebsite I found is
This website provides the answers to some question that I myself had wanted to have answered. This information provided makes you realise that cults are purely set up for a select few peoples personal gain and those who become entrenched within the rules and the beliefs of the cult are in danger of losing their individuality and in some cases their lives. You only have to read the quote half way down th page from an ex member of The People's Temple quote to have this proven. She speaks of how the leaders of the quote were kind and charming and that the ideology that they sold to you seemed too good to be true, yet you fall for it anyway and before it you have given up your education and your future. This comment is later followed with the information that the ex cult member who said these things was found murdered. Antoher interesting piece to this ebsite is the description of ll the cult methods to make people subversive to their ideologies. Cults are very powerful groups which are particularly prominent in America. However not all cults are 'evil'. The Church of the Latter Day Saints is a cult. However cults i is generally accepted are set up as a means for people to preach what they believe and this i generally counter productive.

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