Thursday, March 19, 2009


Avery, D. Loose Change. Retrieved 19th March 2008 From:

Loose Change was a documentary film released in 2005 by Dylan Avery. Part of the 9/11 Truth Movement, the film asserts how the cause of 9/11 is not down to that Al’qaeda but in fact was conducted in part by the United States Government. The 3rd version of Loose Change was released in 2007 and although some footage has changed the message remains the same. The website provides a forum for those who question the official report of the 9/11 commission and support the arguments made in the Loose Change documentary.

 Full of lots of 9/11 imagery, Loose Change incourages the reader to delve into the website through a blog. The blog functions as a means to bring the consumer into the ‘Loose Change’ world containing text and images as well as up to date news of the latest project from the creators of Loose Change. This functions as a way of signalling to the consumer that although the first Loose Change was released four years ago its fight to ‘ask questions, demand answers,’is far from over. However this blog is not the offical one, the official blog is hosted through Google’s blog spot, which embodies an amateur design and has not been updated since April 2008. This is possibly due to the fact that Quantcast reports 91% of people frequenting the site as beings passers by.[1] Therefore most visitors are unlikely to delve deep into the site’s content, thus focusing current news on the home page they maximise their efforts in keeping users informed.The Quantcast report also estimates just over an average of 10,000 hits a month to the site from US citizens. Quantcast describes the demographic as 55% male, 75% Caucasian and less affluent.[1] The high figure in hits suggests why Loose Change perhaps went from being free to view via the website and Google video to the 3rd and final cut edition costing $19.95 to purchase.  With other commodities available through the website, Loose Change is a clear example how modern conspiracy theories are used by some not simply for a quest for truth but as way to make money and that perhaps some answers are only available to those willing to spend money in obtaining them. 

Loosechange9/ is successful example of the vast audience modern technology enables people to reach. It aptly demonstrates how the internet allows the individual to make their opinion known and in turn can connect with like minded individuals. Created by three 20 something males, on a budget of $2,000, embodies the possibilities, opportunities and careers that the development of the internet has created for conspiracists in the year 2009. 

[1] Quantcast. ‘LooseChange9/11’. Quantcast Audience pole. Retrieved 19th January 2008 From:

[1] Quantcast. ‘LooseChange9/11’. Quantcast Audience pole. Retrieved 19th January 2008 From:

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